About this site

About the site

The web-site of the community school movement is a web-based platform created to collect and exchange information, documents and techniques, as well as to coordinate and provide information support to joint activities of community schools, community school resource centers and NGO working to develop community education.

The objective of the site is to support and strengthen the community school movement by encouraging their collaboration and exchange of experience, as well as to inform community schools about the movement and community education.

The site is created for community schools, community school resource centers, school community foundations and other NGOs working in the sphere of community education and community schools.

On these pages you will find information about events in Russia and abroad, be able to make use of the database of NGOs and projects, find associates and post information about your organization. You can leave comments to news and publications, participate in online actions, as well as share your experience and find support at the forum. The site pages offer a collection of documents and publications, as well as materials of seminars, conferences, trainings, public campaigns, educational programs, etc.

Working on the site, we sincerely hope that our joint efforts will help support the community of like-minded people and the community school movement in the collaboration to develop community education in Russia and in the world.

How does the Site work?

The site consists of a number of sections that are searchable either through a catalogue or the search engine of the site.

Section What is Community Education contains texts about the history of development and the principles of community education and the Russian community school model.

The News section offers news of the movement of community schools, information about seminars, trainings, joint actions, grant competitions, etc.

The Organizations section represents an online database of community schools, community school resource centers and other NGOs working in the sphere of community education.

In the Projects section you will find information about the projects aimed at the development of community education and community schools implemented by the organizations from the database.

The Events section offers information about joint events and activities of community schools, among them the Spring Week of Kindness, the International Community School Day – 1 March, the Volunteer Week, as well as regional, All-Russia and international conferences and forums.

The Library contains publications about the Russian and international experience in community education, materials of seminars and conferences, success stories, practical guides and textbooks on the development of community education and community schools.

Section Links offers a collection of Internet resources that users may want to address in search of further information about the community education and community schools.

Finally, there is a forum for the discussion of relevant topics of the development of community education and community schools.

At the web-site there are also regularly posted surveys to study the dynamics of the development of the community school movement and community education in general.

The registered users receive a weekly newsletter containing headings of the latest updates of the web-site sections.

Who to work with the Site?

Any person interested in the community education and community schools can make use of the site resources, as well as to leave comments to news items and publications.

The registration at the web-site allows to have access to more detailed information and widened opportunities (such as participation in the forum, adding organizations and projects, viewing contact information, suggesting publications for the library, etc.). To register please fill in the registration form located at the home page of the web-site.

The site administration is readily available to answer questions connected to the work of the site.

Development and maintenance of the web-site of the community schools movement by the Krasnoyarsk Centre for Community Partnerships under the financial support of the New Eurasia Foundation and the Ch. S. Mott Foundation in 2005-2006.

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